Tuesday, September 16, 2014

More To Life

The feeling when people found your work amazing while you yourself didn't think it that way.
The feeling when people smiled, shook your hand, and genuinely said thank you.
The feeling when people got something meaningful from your hard work.
The feeling when people hugged you and looked relief knowing you're having his/ her back.
The feeling when people appreciated your hard work.

The feeling when you found yourself growing even more.
The feeling when you could pat yourself in the back and said, "you nailed it".
The feeling when you at last laughed at your troubles.
The feeling when you witnessed other people grow together with you.

Those are the feelings that I won't ever wanted to lose. 
The feeling of hope that accompany me living my life. 
One day, I will tell my children and grand children, there are more to life than money or any physical avails. 
One day, I will show to them that they can be rich with experiences, that courage and perseverance are powerful ammunition to get through almost anything in their life. 
One day, I will let them know that giving is actually gaining more rather than losing.
One day, when I die, I want people to remember me as the person that always did her best at anything she's doing, anytime. 

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